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¿Cómo puedo eliminar mi perfil?

No me ha servido de nada este website y quiero borrar mi perfil, les agradeceré que me digan como hacerlo.

Roberto Muro Prado , 22.11.2012, 00:14
Idea status: under consideration


Utazi, 06.05.2014, 07:24
That is pretty simlpe. Create a database and a form that submits a name and email address to that database then create another form that you fill in with a title and message that will form the email. Then connect to the database, create a loop that grabs a persons name and email then sends an email to them then moves on to the next entry. You can even type variables like $name into the message to give a more personal touch. He has stuff on how to do all of this on his channel.

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